This page provides the following useful information for the potential investor in the Central BiH region:
Why invest in Central BiH region?
List of services for investors
Access to the information service
The system, sources and availability of information
More information...
Many organisations are interested in expanding their business in the Central BiH region. Taking into account the strengths and opportunities of the region, the reasons could be:
REZ Agency will provide a complete service from the moment you initiate contact, if requirements are related to the following list of services:
Business team of the REZ Agency will provide the necessary support to investors including: access to socio economic and business sector data, legal advice, networks with government bodies and access to local business organizations. Back to the top
The system relies on information available at municipalities or integrated in applications already developed by the REZ Agency, such are:
MEP (Market Economic Profile) Database
is made as internet (web) application and it is located on the REZ Agency server. The MEP Database is used for entering, monitoring and processing of data on municipal socio-economic indicators. As such, the database is very useful in the process of preparations of municipal and regional development strategies.
Collecting and data entry are responsibility of municipal administrators of MEP Database, and Regional Administrator is in charge for coordination of activities, administration and modelling of entries.
Classified by similarity of the associated indicators, the following indicator groups are included in the MEP Database: Geography, Natural resources, Population, Human Resources, Infrastructure, Economy, Economic Indicators and Business Entities.
Selected information from MEP Database, presented as Development indicators for each municipality of the Central BiH region, can be found after pressing the following button:
Then, follow a link to the particular municipality and check the section titled "Basic development indicators". Back to the top
BizRez Portal
is the web based application Portal za mala i srednja preduzeca (SME Portal) developed for small and medium size enterprises located on the server of the REZ Agency.
Structurally, the portal is divided into four main sections: “Business support-services”, "Export Centre”, “Bidding/demand” and “Access to Finance”.
The data related to the Legal Entities from the MEP Database (selected fields only) are visible at the BizRez Portal - section titled “MSMEs database” in the English language version). Business entities data, once entered in the MEP Database are collected and displayed by BizRez Portal engine, using the refreshment rate of 30 minutes.
A list of business entities and related basic data can be derived according to desired keys: municipality, legal status or activity. Such list can be used as the list of potential suppliers. Back to the top
Contact: Mrs. Maja Kisic
call +387 32 462 161
If a phone conversation is your preference, please specify it in your e-mail and indicate your telephone number.
Mrs. Kisic will contact you within 24 hours.
Head of SMEs Support
Also, you can use provided REZ Agency Contact Form.
Links to other agencies/institutions